Rules for Membership
Any person wishing to sign up for climbing coaching with the club shall complete and submit the online joining form with personal details and indemnity agreement.
A parent or legal guardian shall complete the form where the athlete is under the age of 18.
Fees are due on presentation of invoice.
Fees shall not be withheld for any reason whatsoever.
Classes not attended are forfeited.
Monthly rates are consistent whether there are 4 or 5 weeks in the month.
Should you be experiencing any financial difficulties please contact us to discuss.
Services will be considered terminated where fees remain unpaid for more than 60 days after date of invoice.
The club will not coach on the following days:
South African public holidays.
Selected long weekends most specifically where a public holiday falls on a Friday or Monday; all our staff are rock climbers and long weekends are in high demand for our coaches to go climbing outdoors.
December holidays as notified each year.
Any time that CityROCK is holding a major event, and/or access to gym areas and walls are limited or substantially restricted.
Some coaches will not be available on certain Jewish holidays, mainly during September.
Members must adhere strictly to their session times; if a member fails to do this it does not exempt the client from financial responsibility.
Appropriate notice within a reasonable time must be provided should you not be attending a class.
Sessions missed are not subject to automatic re-scheduling, however, should we be able to accommodate you in an alternative class on another day we will do our best to do so, but this cannot be guaranteed.
Persistent absenteeism will lead to your place in a class or time slot being re-assigned.
In the event of a prolonged illness, injury or holiday, upon request we will suspend your membership for one month. Longer suspensions will lead to your place in a class or time slot being re-assigned.
In the event of your coach being absent or unavailable due to sudden illness or circumstances beyond our control, we will endeavour to provide a substitute coach for the lesson, and as much notice as possible will be provided.
All children up to age 14 must have a parent or guardian present in the gym for the duration of the class. This is also a rule of CityROCK Indoor Climbing Centre.
Climbing is strenuous and whilst being coached younger children sometimes lose focus, feel sick, become upset, irritable, tired or hungry, and may need to take a short time out with their parent or guardian.
The gym is often very busy and for reasons of safety and security and in case of emergency a parent or guardian must be present in the gym for the duration of their child’s class.
If your child is ill or coming down with an illness, we ask that you do not bring them to class.
All climbers need to be in peak health to perform at their best.
This is also necessary for the prevention of the spreading of viruses as climbing holds and ropes are touched by all.
Bad behaviour will not be tolerated.
If a member becomes disorderly, rude, delinquent, disrespectful, acts up, or refuses to obey instructions given by the coach, they will be given a verbal warning.
If the behaviour continues after the verbal warning is provided, the athlete will be asked to leave the class.
Persistent disorderly conduct will be addressed with the parent or guardian present in the gym.
Notices and information will be disseminated on the club WhatsApp group, or via email.
Should you have anything to discuss regarding your classes or upcoming events, kindly send an email or private message.
Please remember that staff are busy with teaching for a large portion of every day and may not be able to take your calls, but your message or email will be responded to in due course.
When on offer and in stock, the club will provide your first branded training vest or shirt free of charge; any subsequent branded items shall be purchased at the stated cost.
Whilst it is not compulsory to be worn at each class, we would encourage you to wear the club shirt to your lessons.
Branded club vests or shirts or hoodies are to be worn at all inter-club league events.
All climbers must come to class with their own gear, the most basic of which is a harness and climbing shoes.
Chalk bag and chalk are recommended, and helmets for top rope or lead climbing competitions are mandatory.
INSIDEedge Climbing is a resident affiliated club with CityROCK Indoor Climbing Centre. That organisation’s gym rules and conditions for membership are therefore applicable to all staff and members of the club.
Being a member of INSIDEedge Climbing means you are familiar with and agree to abide by these rules:
johannesburg/rules-and- regulations/
INSIDEedge Climbing Club reserves the right to update the Rules for Membership document from to time and the latest version will be uploaded to our website All climbing related activities have inherent associated dangers and are always performed completely at your own risk. All members must take full responsibility for themselves, their families and personal belongings whilst in the gym whether attending coaching classes or being a spectator. All members must obey the rules and regulations as stipulated in this document, the CityROCK Waiver, and the INSIDEedge Climbing joining form and indemnity agreement.